If you would like to add an event to the calendar, please send an email to info.artbasil@gmail.com with as many of the following fields as possible. You MUST include a link to some kind of an event page/flyer for the event to be added.
- Region (SF Bay Area or LA)
- Event Title
- Venue
- Event Type (exhibition, workshop, talk, etc.)
- Start and/or End Dates
- Start and/or End Time (if relevant)
- Tags (options here)
- Price
- Link to event page
- Any other relevant links
- Comments/notes
If you would like a venue to be added to the calendar (and its events), please send an email to info.artbasil@gmail.com with the name and website of the venue. This could be a museum, college/university, gallery, or other organization.
Thank you for your contribution!